Healing your own childhood
Rage. Tears. Guilt. Dread. Overwhelm. Yelling. Withdrawing. Touched out. Flustered. Obsessively googling gentle parenting. Crying at night after your child is in bed because you wish the day went differently. The nagging sense you haven’t figured parenting out the way everyone else has.
Parenting is SO HARD. Add your own difficult childhood, loss, mistreatment, blame, shame, abuse…. and finding yourself as a parent feels even more confusing. Maybe you hear words coming out of your mouth that you vowed you’d never say. You dreamed of cuddling with your kids with a book or movie, but instead find yourself feeling touched out by 9am. You dreamed of being a patient parent, the type you wish you had, but find yourself flooded with overwhelm when your child has an outburst. You promised yourself you wouldn’t be anything like your parent and this leaves you feeling chronically anxious, perfectionistic, and hard on yourself.
If you don’t feel you had the role model you wished for. If you feel like you’re mothering without a mother/father yourself. If you’re trying to figure out how to parent without a roadmap. If you are ready to heal parts of childhood and find the healthiest version of you as a person and parent…we can get you there.